from the university OF Wisconsin with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Metallurgical
* Started General Electric Career in 1942
Product Engineer for Colombium and Tantalum metal products.
Process Engineering Supervisor for Tungsten (W) and Molybdenum
(Mo) wire.
Developed new or improved processing methods.
Supervisor of fabrication section which fabricated
W or Mo sheet, wire and powder metallurgy
componenets for GE lamp or external customer applications.
Senior quality Liason Engineer for W wire used by GE
plants and external customer.
Senior Application Engineer for W, Mo, Dumet and Cumet
wire products.
Assisted customers throughtout the U.S., Europe and
Asia in revolving process and quality
problems when using GE wire products.
Program manager for Tungsten and Molbdenum plants.Required
implementation of program related to
improving process efficiency or product quality.
Managed a program to redesign the process and the equipment
for Tungsten wire to achieve a
40% increase in labour effciency.
*Retired April 1993 -Currently a consultant
to General Electric.